Friday, May 21, 2010

The BEST is yet to come!!!

So I am so excited and I thought I'd blog about it because...well, it's my blog, lol.

So some of you that read this know that I have a "side-hustle", and I haven't really been doing it like I want to, but I've been dabbling here and there. Anyway, last night we had a monthly meeting and one of our colleagues in the area was promoted as the first to make it to that particular level. Along with that promotion and recognition, there is also a $5,000 bonus. Do you know the President and Founder of the company presented her with an $11,000 check? *faint* Including the bonus, that was STRICTLY commission and residual earnings only for the month of April. $11K for ONE month? Mannnn, if that didn't light a fire under me to get moving, I don't know what will. I can't imagine what it would be like to bring in that kind of money doing something that I like and that seems so easy! Even the "meager" checks that they passed out were $1-5K. I really could use that money.

The thing is, I'm not much of a sales person. I've sold makeup and things like that, but I never really liked it because I don't like to "bother" people. I'm the type of person that will mention something to you if I think you'd like it, but I'm not a hard-pitch kind of person. I'm not the type of person that will walk up to a total stranger and try to get them to do a facial in the Shoppers parking lot, lol. Couldn't do it. But this is a fit for me. And it fits into my greater plan of financial responsibility and comfort. Riches/Wealth is wonderful, but I just want to be comfortable. I want to not be stressed. I want to wake up and do what *I* want, and not have to be worried about the fact that I'm doing something that does nothing to better myself or help anyone else...besides get them rich.

I'm on the course to finish my nursing degree, not because I want to make bookoo money, truth be told, when I first start out, I probably won't be making more than what I'm making right now, but at least I'll feel some type of fulfillment in my job. I want to have a purpose, I want to wake up and say "Wow, I get to do my job today", not "Damn, I gotta go to work."

I wanted to blog about it because I wanted to encourage you to think about what you like to do and see how you can make it profitable. I know so many crafty sisters that could make that into a business. Do you bake cakes? Make invitations? Make hair products? Motivate people into working out/lose weight? Do hair on the side? Write well? Do you blog? What do you love to do? Find those talents and see how you can monetize it. Find your niche. I have this opportunity and it is a good fit for me because it's fun and something *I* can see myself doing, and I will be successful with it because I believe in it. What do you believe in? What do you do for fun that can enhance your life?

Think about it...then do something about it!

Peace!!! :)

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