Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Weeds serve NO purpose in your garden

(old blog)

So in my garden (life) I have quite a few pretty roses, a few rosebuds and more than my share of dandelions. Let’s break this down. A dandelion in itself is harmless at first look, it may be kinda cute, SOMEBODY out there thinks it’s kind of nice to have around, and it might even add a little “color” to the garden…but make no mistake about it, a weed by any other name is STILL a weed.

If they serve no purpose…they need to go, because they are just taking up useful space. But, you have to be careful how you deal with the weeds in your garden. You don’t want to become “bitter” and over-zealous and spread “pesticides” over your entire garden because you will ruin and kill the roses and rosebuds…no, you don’t want that. You also don’t want to waste valuable time cultivating and treating weeds like you treat your precious roses when they don’t appreciate it, don’t respond and under the surface are choking the life out of the rest of the garden. So what do you do?

Once you have positively identified a weed, you need to determine the “danger level”, determine the source and take protective measures. If you have a healthy garden, a weed or two might not pose much of a problem…do a spot-check here and there and take care of those few weeds and keep it moving. If your garden is overgrown with weeds…then maybe you need to step back and determine why your garden is under attack. What is it that makes YOUR garden so attractive to the weeds? If you have treated your garden by “spot-check” before and seem to keep having the SAME type of problem, then maybe you need to take more drastic measures. Maybe you need to re-evaluate the “fertilizer” you are using. *go figure* I said all that to say this…no garden is EVER completely free from the weeds among us, but ignoring them only leads to bigger problems in the long run.

I need to get my garden under control…how about you?

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