Monday, February 15, 2010

My Funny Valentine... really, he was friggin' hilarious. *straight face here*

So I had a very interesting weekend. I wasn't really interested in going out or making a big deal out of Valentine's day. I never am. Maybe because most V-Days in the past have pretty much sucked, so I don't even get excited anymore. Anyway, I wasn't feeling well and then the whole...being on a "dating hiatus" thing, lol. Since I'd made the decision to just not date anyone for a while, exes seem to be coming out of the woodwork to want to hang. Or just calling to "see how I'm doing". Whatever. I'd actually had a weak moment where I thought I wanted to meet someone and actually pursued something, but that didn't pan out, so back to the hiatus I go.

Anyway, back to this weekeend...I was asked out twice, and to both guys I said I wasn't interested in doing anything. To which one of them said "Well you just gonna be sitting at home anyway." How do YOU know what I'm going to be doing? So you figure that if YOU don't take me out, NOBODY will? Dude, gtfooh. You don't know what I'm doing when I'm not with you! Don't feel like you have to "do me a favor" and take me out. Fast forward to Sunday and I get a call from Mr. Navy. Mr. Navy and I met online back in the summer and dated for a few but he was just on some games. I cut things off back in November (which is when my hiatus started). We speak periodically on FB or text, but we just aren't the same anymore. He said he'd been thinking about me and that he's been wanting to ask me out but thought I'd give him the cold shoulder. *giggles* He said "Well I figure you wouldn't turn me down on V-Day" I laughed 1) because I felt that that comment ALSO came from a place of "well you're not doing anything anyway" and 2) because he knows me oh so well. Most days I do give him the cold shoulder, lol. Anyway, since he invited me to my favorite brunch spot, I decided to go.

I told him I'd meet him there instead of being picked up. We had some good convo and we talked about where we “went wrong”. Very enlightening. He said he misses me and hopes we can start over, at least as friends and try to communicate better. The thing is, he isn’t (in my opinion) admitting what he did wrong. He’s just kind of like “yeah, things fell off…but let’s start over.” I can’t really get with that. I mean, the first step is admittance, right? So if you hurt my feelings, were dishonest, playing the field and lying about it…shouldn’t you at least say “Look…I know I did you wrong, I know I was playing games, but let’s start over.” Or is that too much to ask? Seems to me you want to move on without acknowledging your part in WHY things fell off. I’m not asking for details. I’m just asking for acknowledgement because if we WERE to move forward and isht fell off again, well then it’s really my fault for not making sure the situation was resolved, right? *shrugs* Whatever. It was a free meal, and you know big girls like free food, lol.

We ended up leaving there and going to Best Buy and then taking in a movie. It was a nice date, and I enjoyed myself. He called me later that evening and said that he enjoyed himself too and that he’s sure I “made a lot of people jealous today”. Hmm? Apparently, as he explained, his legion (my words, not his) of women friends were wondering why he got ghost (his words, not mine). He cloaked this in a compliment...
"I had to take my Jewel (my middle name and what he calls me) out because YOU deserve it. I have a lot a female friends and I'm sure they would have loved to go out, but you are number one." Sooooo, since he bestowed his attention on me on the Hallmark Holiday, I should feel privileged that you chose ME to spend the day with vs. any of the other chicks? Uh…thanks???? Why do you feel the need to sell it to yourself (because you clearly aren’t selling it to me) that other people want you?

*scratches head* These dudes kill me thinking they are the end-all, be-all and the only source of happiness.

*walks away muttering*

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