Wednesday, February 17, 2010

There's a thin line, between love and hate...for facebook.

I'm lightweight addicted to facebook. I think I mentioned that before. And while I love it dearly for several reasons. I also despise it with a passion. Facebook is evil, lol. It makes people do, think and say things that one would not normally do, think or say. A lot of times, the website is glitchy, and when it does work...they are constantly updating it into the "new" facebook, which usually takes away functionality and throws everyone for a loop. Facebook is kind of like America to me. There is a BUNCH of isht wrong with it, and sometimes you just gotta get away for a while, but when it all boils down to it, it's where I call home.

Some of the things that draw me back to FB so much is the fact that I can catch up with friends/family all in one little homepage. I can load pictures from family/friendly funtions and share them without having to go through the hassle of emailing folks one by one. You can keep in touch with folks from across the street or across the world and it's all good. Love it. But from time to time, I have to take a little break. I wanted to take a minute to blog about the things that annoy me most about FB.

1). Friend suggestions. Half the time I don't even know the people that FB is suggesting I befriend. Or maybe it's someone that shares a mutual friend with I that I just don't care to interact with. At any's annoying. Let me find my own friends. If that wasn't enough, they also push you to "help make FB better for them" or "Share the latest news" to people you haven't "talked" to lately. Huh? Stop it.

2). People who post stuff on FB and then get mad when you mention it. "Who told you that?" Chick, you posted it on Facebook! I'm not stalking you! Folks need to realize that within their little circle of friends on FB, unless you have restrictive privacy settings, what you share is public information...up for anyone to see and comment on. If you don't want it talked about, don't talk about it. Or you ask a guy that you're dating what they meant by something and they get all up in their feelings "Why you all on my page like that?" What?

3). Folks that take every one of your status messages and want to apply it to them somehow and get offended. *sigh* If you KNOW me, you know that if you've done something to piss me off to the point where I have to publicly vent about'll know it. I pretty much say exactly what I'm thinking and my friends never have to wonder where they stand with me. You won't have to go to my FB status to find out that I'm annoyed with you. I probably wasn't even thinking about you when I said it. *sings* "You're so vain..."

4). Fakery. If you're on my friends list, then I'm cool with you. The moment I am no longer cool with you, you're no longer on my friends list. Period. I understand why people utilize privacy lists for personal or professional reasons, but it's just not for me. And if you feel like you feel some kinda way about me that you gotta block me from your status messages, pictures, wall or whatever...please just de-friend me. I promise I won't be offended. I'm the same way with everyone I meet, so I don't need to have groups of friends on FB. That's just how it works best with me, but I do realize everything ain't for everyone. *kanyeshrug*

5). People that assume that you see every post and every status message they make. You will be talking about something and be like "wait, what? When did that happen?" And they say "Well I posted it on Facebook." Are you serious right now? Like, why would you assume that I see everything you post? Why would you use a Facebook status (only) to make an important announcement? Likewise, if I post something on my page/status and it's in direct conflict with something you said...why would you assume I'm referencing your post and trying to "battle" you? LMAO That's asinine!! OMG people kill me!!!

6). People not realizing that Facebook is an online community and in no way a substitute for REAL interaction and REAL communication with your friends and loved ones. *Liking* my pics or status does not equate meaningful quality time.

7. The airing of dirty laundry and/or fighting on FB. *sigh* Do better.

8. Hearing about important, life-altering things...on Facebook. I had to "get with" someone about telling me that a loved one was very sick...via inbox mass message. Huh? You have my phone number, you have my email address, how you gonna mass message your friends list and tell people about a family crisis via facebook? It's just...wrong.

Everyday on FB I see something that makes me roll my eyes, yet I keep going back. SMH It is what it is.


  1. How true.

    It's like a vat of quicksand. The more I struggle, the more stuck I become.
