Thursday, January 7, 2010


I mentioned PSAs. Sometimes I'll have random rants, annoyances, etc that I just have to get off my are a few:

If you have your heart set on a "steak dinner", just wait on the steak dinner. No matter how long it might take, wait on it. Having a happy meal "instead" or to "tie you over" will just leave you pissed off and still wanting steak. You're welcome.

Everyone that doesn't co-sign on your foolishness is NOT a "hater". Can we abolish this term in 2010? Most times the user isn't doing anything hate-WORTHY. Do better.

If there is something on your FB page that you don't want talked about/asked about either change your privacy settings or re-evaluate your friends list. You're welcome.

If you send someone ghetto snacks, funky flowers, pillow fights, hugs, kisses, farmville, cafe world, sorority life, mafia wars, We're family, make a baby or any other type of request and they never respond...please stop.

The word "but" negates everything before it. Think about that the next time you say "I don't mean to be disrespectful but..." "I respect your relationship but..." "I really love you but..."

Guys, any comment that ends in "for a..." is probably not a good idea. (Ex. ...for a big girl/...for a dark-skinned girl/...for an older woman) Don't do it to yourself.

If its cold enough for you to be wearing a hat, scarf, coat, boots...why is your toddler walking around in only a jogging suit? No wonder you're in the cold/flu aisle. Do better!

Please don't misuse the "like" button on FB. If someone posts "My Aunt died, please pray for our family" why the heck would you "like" that? If you're gonna pray, why don't you just comment and say so...why "like" it? I mean...think about it. SMH

Sometimes, all you have in life is your word. Make it count for something. If people can't trust that you'll come through when you say you will, what do you really have? Do better in 2010.

Pity parties are sooooo 2009, if you're having one...please don't invite me. It will spare us both an awkward moment. Thanks in advance.

So...what do you want the world to know?

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